Open Axis is a technologic, synthetic ambience music group going on their first world tour. They needed a way to reach their audience and get them excited for their shows.

Our Message:

“We want our audience to have a spiritual, calming, and out of body experience. We want them to embark on our journey with us.”

Process work:

To provide that experience, I used space imagery, old vector technology, and create a character of a galactic spirit, who will be the user’s spiritual guide to transcendance.

This is concept art generated with Midjourney, used to inspire the figure I created.

I created a galactic being in Blender, and used juxtaposition of scale to make it appear as a larger-than-life entity.

I also created a galaxy HDRI using the in-program shader system. This project allowed me to deepen my knowledge of the shader system, and allowed me to explore the vector math involved in shaders.

In the future, I plan on further exploring the OSL so I can extend my control over the shader system.

I wished to make the character more translucent with a volume shader, but the small adjustments I needed to make every render led me away from that, as it would take too long to re-render every scene.

The character was rigged through Blender’s Rigify addon, which greatly sped up the time it took for me to get the model I had in working condition. This model was taken from a previous project I had done.

The end product:

Poster 1:

Location: Bowery Ballroom, Brooklyn, New York.

Date: March 21, 2024

Poster 2:

Location: Astra Kulturhaus, Berlin, Germany.

Date: April 11, 2024

Poster 3:

Location: Liquidroom, Tokyo, Japan.

Date: April 30, 2024

Poster 4:

Location: Eastcheap Records, London, England.

Date: May 14, 2024


Civic Society